Your Thoughts Exactly: The OC? More like the NO-C!

Friday, April 08, 2005


The OC? More like the NO-C!

Oh crap, did I just make a Capital One joke? It's too late, there's no going back at this point. Ok, I lied, I like it. So, dear readers, I come to you bearing bad news. The O.C. has lost me. I wouldn't say it's over between me and the show, but we're on the rocks and I think it might be time for a little break.

The OC's problem this year is that they started the season off with a big bang, added a slew of new characters, new plots, and took the show in a dozen different directions. At some point, directors, producers, actors, or perhaps the public finally informed them that they had to go somewhere with the show. They must have figured "Well, season 1 was a bigger hit, so let's move back to season 1 storylines. Let's kill off all the characters we had built up and focus on the good old Marissa and Ryan storyline. That will be great." Unfortunately, now, that's the only storyline. Seth and Summer are back together, Sandy and Kirsten are on pretty good terms, Jimmy is gone, Julie and Caleb are nonexistent. The next paragraph's a spoiler, although not much of one because the episode sucked, so don't read if you want to waste a good 40 minutes of your life.

So they brought in Ryan's brother. He's good for a laugh, and maybe a couple episodes worth of drama, right? Here's the problem: What difference does it make to us if he lives or dies? If he gets hauled right back to jail, we don't care, because he's a terrible character that brings nothing to Ryan's character (already a terrible character to begin with). If he stays, does great, never pisses of Ryan and never gets in trouble, we're actually unhappy because it means he might come back again. And just when they had started to get really good at killing off characters, they have it all work out for him.

Anyway, seeing as there are 3 episodes left in the season and they've basically wrapped everything up into a neat little package for about 3 straight episodes, they're obviously preparing to arc up a new storyline just so that they can leave it hanging at the end of this season as well. I foresee a pregnancy. Or death. Maybe both, in the same episode. Or I can just stop watching now, but of course I won't.

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