Your Thoughts Exactly: Bring Back Winny!

Monday, March 07, 2005


Bring Back Winny!

Well folks, its been some time since my latest brain dump; Marmar and Stu have been holding down the fort lately. I'm fairly certain our Mariners readership has mostly died out, and I'm not sure what readers we still have left. At least we've still got you, babe.

The West Wing. Ahh, The West Wing. How great it once was. How surprisingly good it has been these last two weeks. I tortured myself by watching all the episodes last season, as the ship hit some nasty weather after the plank-walk of former captain Aaron Sorkin. This year, everything changed. Episodes away from the White House, on the campaign trail; new character after new character; President Bartlet is a shell of his former self. But the interesting thing is the return of past characters. Former Veep Hoines is trying his hand in the Democratic primary. Josh's ex-flame Amy Gardner returned came back. Also returning is Republican (gasp!) Cliff Calley, now filling Josh's old job in the alabaster abode. (yes, not a proper use of alabaster, but it works as a lay term) (ok, "colloquial" instead of law - happy now?). Cliff fills the season 2 role of Ainsley Hayes, the principled Republican who just wants to serve the people. I have to admit, after a period of mourning for the loss of my West Wing, this season is starting to grow on me.

Now that I've come to grips with this "new" West Wing, I say why stop here? Keep bringing them back - Rob Lowe is not up to any good these days, so Sam could return to help out on the Santos campaign. Maybe Josh could get him to do some speechwriting. Naturally, Sam would finally offer that job to his old nemesis Winny. Perhaps with their powers combined they can raise Fitz from the grave? And Mandy hasn't been seen since season 1...ok, that's a good thing.

Alright, this post will not interest anyone but West Wing fans, so I'll stop now. The show, though dramatically changed, still puts out quality episodes (fairly) consistently. Whether viewed as a continuation of the old, or a mostly new and independant show, it is still worthy of viewing - what else are you going to watch Wednesday nights now that Project Runway is gone?

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