Monday, June 14, 2004
more on race
Now, I'm not saying Bavasi, Lincoln, Gillick, and co. are white supremacists who don't want African-American ballplayers, but that possibly within the M's front office there is a latent racism that is repesentative of our nation at large. Earlier this year there was a big flap over American Idol voting, the cherry on top being Elton John calling up the press to complain that the voting was racist. Now while I don't agree that people are calling in their votes thinking "gotta give the white girl some votes - can't let her lose to those back-talking black divas," I do belive race was the main reason some people got voted off earlier than they should have, and some people survived longer. (well, that and insane Hawaiians). I think because of peoples underlying and even unknown prejudices they weren't able to see the obvious talent discrepancies between some of the contestants, or even seeing those, didn't like when the black girls showed some attitude - attitude they probably would've loved from a white contestant. Some of the African American contestants were obviously much more talented than others, and that they got voted off early is a sign to me that this country still has a long way to go. I can't see any other explaination. At least Fantasia won.
Second, surely you yourself would admit Clay deserved to beat Ruben. It seems that on American Idol, the "best" people dont always win.
Your second point is interesting - that it could be a genetic drive to associate with similar genes. And, is this a problem? I don't know. If it leads to outcomes like what caucasians have done to people with darker skin in the past, then yes, we should force ourselves to counter our nature. If that is attributed to social forces beyond genetics, and natural grouping leads only to things like African-American contestants getting voted off a show, we should at least be aware of the way our genes motivate us and take that into consideration at times in our lives when that call for such awareness - pretty much in everything we do.
Your second point is interesting - that it could be a genetic drive to associate with similar genes. And, is this a problem? I don't know. If it leads to outcomes like what caucasians have done to people with darker skin in the past, then yes, we should force ourselves to counter our nature. If that is attributed to social forces beyond genetics, and natural grouping leads only to things like African-American contestants getting voted off a show, we should at least be aware of the way our genes motivate us and take that into consideration at times in our lives when that call for such awareness - pretty much in everything we do.
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